Shadows of Destiny Book 5
by Leia Shaw
An Interview with Leia Shaw:
Leia, welcome and thanks for taking the time to talk with us at Paranormal Romance Fans for life. We look forward to knowing a little something about you, so our first question is: Where are you from and from where/who did your love for writing come from?
L.S. I’m from Connecticut. I’m not sure where my love of writing came from. I do credit my grandmother a lot because, though she wasn’t a writer, she encouraged me. Every time I wrote a poem or showed her a story, she’d say “you have such a way with words.” And she wasn’t the type to BS people either so I knew it was genuine and it kept me writing.
Can you say that your journey to publication was difficult? If so, what were the hardest moments to get through?
L.S. I self-published my paranormal series and it was very difficult. The hardest parts were dealing with the formatting requirements. Very frustrating. Just when you think it finally looks the way you want it to, and you spend hours poring over every last detail to make it right for the distributer, then you view it on your kindle and there’s no indents! Grr! I’ve almost launched my laptop across the room several times. Lol.
How do you overcome i-suck-at-this, that little voice in your head that tells you your writing isn’t good enough?
L.S. I punch it in the face! No, really. We all have doubts and insecurities. There have been moments
when writing my new release, Destiny Forgiven, I’ve whined to my close writer friends, “This books sucks! I suck as a writer and a person and I should just give up now and stick to writing a diary!” But ultimately, I know that if I didn’t write, I wouldn’t feel whole. So I tell myself to shut up and quit having a pity party and just keep going. By the way, the book doesn’t really suck. Lol.
What is your dream vacation?
L.S. Okay, I’m going to admit how much of a geek I am right now but you won’t laugh at me too much, right? I’d probably do the Lord of the Rings tour in New Zealand.
Describe your writing style in five words.
L.S. Fast-moving, funny, adventurous, poignant, and… sexy?
What movies are you currently excited to see?
L.S. Movies? You mean there are things I could be doing other than writing and chasing my wild kids
What are you currently reading?
L.S. Reading? You mean there are things I could be doing other than writing and chasing my wild kids around?
If you weren’t a writer, what other careers would you pursue?
L.S. Stand-up comedian. I’m not saying I’d be good at it, but I love making people laugh. I can say my day was successful if I made just one person have a good hearty laugh.
If you could create a holiday of your own, what would it be called?
L.S. Uhh. Leia is Awesome Day of course.
For people who haven’t read your novel, how would you summarize the plot?
L.S. Maddox, a sorcerer, used to be a sweet, charming sorcerer in love with his childhood sweetheart,
Felicity, a shifter. They were separated just into adulthood and Maddox disappeared. Felicity, thinking he was dead, moved on to become a rebel leader against the sorcerers who are trying to oppress her people. She ends up getting captured and brought for interrogation in their prison. That’s where she meets Inkman.
Inkman is her bald, covered in tattooed torturer who has the same eyes as her Maddox. But he doesn’t remember her. This Maddox is cold and cruel and probably going to kill her. Now she has to race against the clock to make him remember who he was.
What are two of your pet-peeves?
L.S. Bad breath and people who are fake.
To you, what makes a good story?
L.S. Dynamic characters. I have to connect with the characters. I have to feel something for them,
even if it’s hate. A blah hero or heroine will make me close the book.
What usually turns you off about a story?
L.S. An enormous amount of detail. Long paragraphs of narration will make me skip ahead or maybe
put the book down.
If you could collaborate with any author, who would you choose, and why?
L.S. Kresley Cole. She’s my writing idol. I mention her in almost every single interview I do. I’m probably at stalker level now. Lol.
What is on your night stand?
L.S. Junk. Too much junk to list.
What is your favorite book?
L.S. Gah! So hard to choose yet everybody asks! Probably The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It’s inspiring.
About the Book:
When shifter rebel, Felicity, is thrown into the sorcerer's prison, she meets the legendary torturer known as Inkman. The menacing guard with the gruesome tattoos is almost unrecognizable, but she could never forget her childhood sweetheart, Maddox Blackwell.
But he has no memory of her. Brainwashed and broken, his human emotions have been destroyed,
leaving him bereft, without an identity. Now only darkness remains. As she fights to make him remember their past, forgotten feelings reignite. Love was once a breath away. Can she save him before he must take that final step and execute her?
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About the Author:

Leia lives in New England with her husband and two kids. Though she will go to her grave denying it, her husband insists she would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.
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