Thursday, June 5, 2014

Author Interview & Release Day Blast: A Vampire's Promise by Carla Susan Smith

A Vampire’s Promise
The Vampire’s Promise Series
Book One
Carla Susan Smith

Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Publisher: eKensington
Number of pages: 271

Book Description:

Trust Your Instincts

Rowan Harper is nothing but a smart-mouthed bookstore clerk with a crappy love life on the night she walks into Rosie’s Bar. Most of the drama in her life is borrowed from her best friend’s adventures. But when she meets Gabriel—tall and movie star gorgeous—everything changes. Never mind that she turns down the drink he offers, or that he brims with secrets she can’t begin to guess at. He ignites a desire in her she never suspected—and shows a fascination with her she can’t explain.

He has no family, no job, no bank account; he knows where she lives and her favorite flower. An aura of mystery cloaks him, even as Rowan grasps for facts, even as she fears an answer that could destroy her happiness. Gabriel can guide her through a wonderland of new sensations. But only if Rowan trusts him enough to follow…

Winner of the OKRWA “Finally a Bride” contest.

Amazon Kensington iTunes BN Kobo Google Play | ARe | Blio 

PRFL would like to extend a very warm welcome to Carla Susan Smith, author of A Vampire's Promise. To begin, can you tell us where you're from, and who or where did your love for writing come from? 
I was born and raised in England, but now I live in South Carolina. My love of writing is definitely a gift from my mother who also had dreams of being a published author. As a child I used to watch her write - in long hand! - on big yellow legal pads. 

Can you say that your journey to publication was difficult? If so, what were the hardest moments to get through?
Other writers would probably kill to be as lucky as I’ve been - I know if this wasn’t happening to me, I’d want to make an effigy of me and stick pins in it! Truth is I won a contest where Alicia Condon, an editor at Kensington Publishing, was one of the judges. She asked for a full copy of my manuscript, and then offered me a contract for both “A Vampire’s Promise” and “A Vampire’s Soul.” Believe me, I’m still pinching myself  to make sure I’m not dreaming!

How do you overcome I-Suck-At-This, that little voice in your head that tells you your writing isn’t good enough?
Bourbon usually helps! No seriously, you know how people who are anxious about giving a speech are told to imagine the audience sitting in their underwear? Well I imagine J.R. Ward sitting at her laptop, going over her initial draft of “Dark Lover” and telling herself, “Damn - this story really sucks!”  Works for me every time.

What is your dream vacation?
It’s a choice between Alaska and New Zealand.

Describe your writing style in five words.
Uncomplicated and easy to read!

What movies are you currently excited to see?
I can’t wait to see Angelina Jolie in ‘Maleficent.’

What are you currently reading?
“The King” by J. R. Ward (no big surprise!)

If you weren’t a writer, what other careers would you pursue?
Honestly? I think I’d love to be a vet tech in a zoo.

If you could create a holiday of your own, what would it be called?
D’GARAD - Don’t Give A Rats Ass Day

For people who haven’t read your novel, how would you summarize the plot?
Oh God, I am so bad at doing this but let’s see … A Vampire’s Promise is first and foremost Rowan’s story. With no love life of her own, she lives vicariously through her best friend’s affair until she meets, and embarks on a romance with the stunningly gorgeous Gabriel.  But their relationship is not without its difficulties. Gabriel is a man of secrets, and when Rowan is forced to confront the reality of his life she learns he isn’t the man she thought he was. He isn’t actually a man at all. Horrified to discover her lover is a vampire, she is further stunned to learn Gabriel believes she is his Promise, and they are bound to each other by an archaic ritual which cannot be broken … I promise the actual story is so much better!!!

What are two of your pet-peeves?
Litter and people who find it necessary to use two spaces to park.

To you, what makes a good story?
Something that a reader can relate to. An incident or remark that makes you nod your head and say “Oh yeah, I so get that!”

What usually turns you off about a story?
Badly written sex scenes.     
If you could collaborate with any author, who would you choose, and why?
Stephen King. Enough said!

What is on your night stand?
Um … I don’t actually have a nightstand.

What is your favorite book?
Can I give you two?  “The Black Jewels Trilogy” by Anne Bishop and “The Witching Hour” by Anne Rice. Both are excellent.

Thank you so much for joining us today, Carla. We really enjoyed the visit. Good luck and great sales with A Vampire's Promise. 

About the Author:
Carla Susan Smith owes her love of literature to her mother, who, after catching her pre-teen daughter reading by flashlight beneath the bed covers, calmly replaced the romance book she had “borrowed” with one that was far less risqué, and much more appropriate! Though she was encouraged to include different genres in her reading tastes, romance - paranormal romance in particular - has always been her first love.
Born and raised in England, she now calls South Carolina home, where she lives with her wonderfully supportive husband, awesome son, and a canine critique group (if tails aren’t wagging then the story isn’t working!) When not writing, she can usually be found in the kitchen trying out any recipe that calls for rhubarb, working on her latest tapestry project or playing catch-up with her reading list.

Author Links:
Website | Facebook | Goodreads 

3 ebook copies of A Vampire’s Promise (distributed as free downloads from the iBooks store)

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